
Chystiakova Liudmyla1


1. Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The article examines the didactic possibilities of the technology of processing textile materials when performing creative projects by students - future teachers of labor education and technology. In particular, the introduction defines the priorities of the educational policy in Ukraine, among which an important place belongs to environmentalization, which is aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable development and contributing to the prosperity and protection of life on the planet. The key to the implementation of this priority is the formation of the readiness of the participants in the educational process for ecological conservation activities since it is one of the main subject-transformative practices that are implemented in labor training lessons in basic school and technology lessons in high school. Ecodesign in general and upcycling technology in particular are determined to be relevant in the acquisition of professional competencies. The main part of the article outlines the essence of secondary use of materials, the history of its appearance, its importance for nature conservation, and compliance with the concept of the three R's: "consumption reduction - reuse - recycling". Active use by fashion designers is being updated. Emphasis is placed on the importance of using upcycling in educational projects. The experience of the Department of Technological and Vocational Education of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko in the implementation of individual projects on the "upcycling" technology in the educational process in the preparation of future teachers of labor training and technology is presented. It is about the methodology of project activity from the choice of the project topic to the final result, during which students have the opportunity to independently choose the design object according to their capabilities, develop the design and manufacture the product, and prove the necessity of the existence of the finished product in the real world. The results of the study are convincing that the implementation of educational projects by future teachers of work training and technology contributes to the development of creative abilities, creativity, the search for non-standard solutions, and the responsibility of students. Each manufactured item is unique, has an innovative design because an individual approach and design vision of each individual student is used to create it. In addition, the issue of ecological impact on the environment is raised - the recycled item will have a "second life" and will not be thrown into the trash. It is obvious that in the conditions of ecologically transformative activities, the development of the ecological culture of students takes place, and the implementation of such projects contributes to the ecological activity of future specialists. Keywords: project activity, creative project, upcycling, ecological culture, teachers of labor training, and technology


Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"

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