Permeation and interaction of divalent cations in calcium channels of snail neurons.


Byerly L,Chase P B,Stimers J R


We have studied the current-carrying ability and blocking action of various divalent cations in the Ca channel of Lymnaea stagnalis neurons. Changing the concentration or species of the permeant divalent cation shifts the voltage dependence of activation of the Ca channel current in a manner that is consistent with the action of the divalent cation on an external surface potential. Increasing the concentration of the permeant cation from 1 to 30 mM produces a twofold increase in the maximum Ca current and a fourfold increase in the maximum Ba current; the maximum Ba current is twice the size of the maximum Ca current for 10 mM bulk concentration. Correcting for the changing surface potential seen by the gating mechanism, the current-concentration relation is almost linear for Ba2+, and shows only moderate saturation for Ca2+; also, Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ are found to pass through the channel almost equally well. These conclusions are obtained for either of two assumptions: that the mouth of the channel sees (a) all or (b) none of the surface potential seen by the gating mechanism. Cd2+ blocks Lymnaea and Helix Ca channels at concentrations 200 times smaller than those required for Co2+ or Ni2+. Ca2+ competes with Cd2+ for the blocking site; Ba2+ binds less strongly than Ca2+ to this site. Mixtures of Ca2+ and Ba2+ produce an anomalous mole fraction effect on the Ca channel current. After correction for the changing surface potential (using either assumption), the anomalous mole fraction effect is even more prominent, which suggests that Ba2+ blocks Ca current more than Ca2+ blocks Ba current.


Rockefeller University Press



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