Interactions of sodium transport, cell volume, and calcium in frog urinary bladder.


Davis C W,Finn A L


The volume of individual cells in intact frog urinary bladders was determined by quantitative microscopy and changes in volume were used to monitor the movement of solute across the basolateral membrane. When exposed to a serosal hyposmotic solution, the cells swell as expected for an osmometer, but then regulate their volume back to near control in a process that involves the loss of KCl. We show here that volume regulation is abolished by Ba++, which suggests that KCl movements are mediated by conductive channels for both ions. Volume regulation is also inhibited by removing Ca++ from the serosal perfusate, which suggests that the channels are activated by this cation. Previously, amiloride was observed to inhibit volume regulation: in this study, amiloride-inhibited, hyposmotically swollen cells lost volume when the Ca++ ionophore A23187 was added to Ca++-replete media. We attempted to effect volume changes under isosmotic conditions by suddenly inhibiting Na+ entry across the apical membrane with amiloride, or Na+ exit across the basolateral membrane with ouabain. Neither of these Na+ transport inhibitors produced the expected results. Amiloride, instead of causing a decrease in cell volume, had no effect, and ouabain, instead of causing cell swelling, caused cell shrinkage. However, increasing cell Ca++ with A23187, in both the absence and presence of amiloride, caused cells to lose volume, and Ca++-free Ringer's solution (serosal perfusate only) caused ouabain-blocked cells to swell. Finally, again under isosmotic conditions, removal of Na+ from the serosal perfusate caused a loss of volume from cells exposed to amiloride. These results strongly suggest that intracellular Ca++ mediates cell volume regulation by exerting a negative control on apical membrane Na+ permeability and a positive control on basolateral membrane K+ permeability. They also are compatible with the existence of a basolateral Na+/Ca++ exchanger.


Rockefeller University Press









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