True Anomalous Osmosis in Multi-Solute Model Membrane Systems


Grim Eugene1,Sollner Karl1


1. From the Laboratory of Physical Biology, National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Bethesda.


The transport of liquid across charged porous membranes separating two electrolytic solutions of different composition consists of both a normal and an anomalous osmotic component. Anomalous osmosis does not occur with electroneutral membranes. Thus, with membranes which can be charged and discharged reversibly, normal osmosis can be measured with the membrane in the electroneutral state, and normal together with anomalous osmosis with the membrane in a charged state, the difference between these two effects being the true anomalous osmosis. Data are presented on the osmotic effects across an oxyhemoglobin membrane in the uncharged state at pH 6.75 and in two charged states, positive at pH 4.0 and negative at pH 10.0, in multi-solute systems with 0.2 and 0.4 osmolar solutions of a variety of electrolytes and of glucose against solutions of other solutes of the same, one-half, and twice these osmolarities. In the simpler systems the magnitude of the true anomalous osmosis can be predicted semiquantitatively by reference to appropriate single-solute systems. In isoosmolar systems with two electrolytic solutions the anomalous osmotic flow rates may reach 300 µl./cm.2 hr. and more; systems with electrolytic solutions against solutions of glucose can produce twice this rate. These fluxes are of the same order of magnitude as the liquid transport rates across such living structures as the mucosa of dog gall bladder, ileum, and urinary bladder.


Rockefeller University Press



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