1. From The Department of Physiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205
A quantitative model is proposed to test the hypothesis that the dynamics of nonlinearities in retinal action potentials from light-adapted wolf spider eyes may be due to delayed asymmetries in responses of the visual cells. For purposes of calculation, these delayed asymmetries are generated in an analogue by a time-variant resistance. It is first shown that for small incremental stimuli, the linear behavior of such a resistance describes peaking and low frequency phase lead in frequency responses of the eye to sinusoidal modulations of background illumination. It also describes the overshoots in linear step responses. It is next shown that the analogue accounts for nonlinear transient and short term DC responses to large positive and negative step stimuli and for the variations in these responses with changes in degree of light adaptation. Finally, a physiological model is proposed in which the delayed asymmetries in response are attributed to delayed rectification by the visual cell membrane. In this model, cascaded chemical reactions may serve to transduce visual stimuli into membrane resistance changes.
Rockefeller University Press
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30 articles.