Planning for climate change with the best of intentions... Analyzing the content of plans and planners’ rationale for adaptation


Chavez Saray,Molines Nathalie,Chancibault Katia,Gouvello Bernard de


In France, local urban plans (PLUi) can convey drivers for climate change adaptation, e.g. greening and limitation of soil sealing to reinforce stormwater management. However, translating adaptation measures into plans is not always easy for planners to effectively communicate adaptation. We create an analysis method, specifically designed for the sustainable development project (PADD), a key document of the PLUi, in order to understand its adaptation approach. The PADD examined is that of the PLUi of Nantes metropolis in France. The first part of the method has been published; here, we develop the last two steps of the method, which consist of a thematic analysis applied to the corpus and a cross-analysis of results. The findings reveal seven major intentions for adaptation. Specific actions were more difficult to identify; however, four areas of practical application emerged: vegetation, water, soil and building. Furthermore, we questioned local planners to get a complete sense of their rationale to address adaptation. Creators and agents result in being aware of the challenges and can identify concrete and synergistic adaptive actions; however, it is unclear how they would measure achievement of PADD objectives. The results may provide useful information to determine whether PADDs are conducive to adaptation.









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