Features of anti-drug work with students of non-medical specialties of higher and secondary professional education in the Kursk region in the conditions of post-pandemic reality


Timoshilov Vladimir Igorevich1,Khachatryan Valentina Arturovna1,Khlopova Anastasia Andreevna1,Byvsheva Anna Sergeevna1,Markeev Konstantin Sergeevich2


1. Kursk State Medical University

2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (national research university)


The problem of drug addiction is a problem that affects all spheres of society: economic, political, legal, large-scale, moral. Throughout post-Soviet history, since only the silence of these phenomena was a crisis, drug addiction has been an exclusively youth problem. Works from the 1990s to the early 2000s pointed to a rejuvenation of drug addiction problems: the most progressive drug addiction was in the age group from 15 to 19 years, and in the period from 2000 to 2010, the average age of initiation of drug addiction decreased to 10-14 years [7 ]. From 2012 – 2014 There was a tendency towards a restructuring of the morbidity structure, and it was revealed that the most vulnerable group of the population are people aged 18 to 40 years [6]. The average age of first trial has also shifted towards adulthood [3]. All this indicates that student youth are the most vulnerable to drug addiction risk factors. With the onset of the pandemic and the lockdown, teenagers and young people found themselves in London. Many were forced to be alone for several days due to sudden poisoning, many suffered due to losses at work and their only source of income. At the same time, psychological risk factors associated with drug use have worsened [6]. According to the data obtained by the Russian authorities, due to the reduction in the distribution and availability of narcotic substances in the first two months of the pandemic, there was a rapid decline in the detection of drug-related crimes. However, after some time, the popularity of not only communication on social networks increased, but also the sale of drugs through them among teenagers and students. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, drug distribution and trafficking have increased in the context of the web, and since the summer of 2020, the volumes of the illegal drug market have recovered and increased to heights [8, 9]. Thus, the period under study is 2022–2023. The youth community approached in the context of the consequences of serious psychological trauma, a shortage of anti-drug information during the covid period and an intensification of the illegal supply of drugs. Prevention 2022 – 2023 – this is largely ―catching up.‖


LLC MedTestInfo

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