In this study, it was aimed to determine certain tree and Fruit characteristics of important Standard and local pomegranate cultivars grown in Kocaköy (Diyarbakir) province. In this context, 2 pomegranate species (Hicaz and Zivzik), 5 local pomegranate species (Hınara Tırş, Hınara Zer, Hınara Meğoş, Hınar Şirin and Hınara Sor) and 2 local pomegranate genotypes (Hınar-1 and Hınar2) were studied. In the study, Fruit weights ranged from 129.90 -314.59 g; Fruit heights ranged from 54.78-74.28 mm; Fruit diameters ranged from 62.92-86.43 mm; Fruit Volume strange from 129.20-293.50 ml; Fruit juice amounts ranged from 34.90-90.90 ml; Fruit densities ranged from 1.0-1.23 gr/ml; 100 seed weights ranged from 24.46-37.690 g; calix heights ranged from 9.65-21.00 mm and calix diameters ranged from 16.40-27.60 mm. In addition, Soluble solid contents (SSC) ranged from 14.60-17.29% brix; total acidity ranged from 4.02-24.51%; pH ranged from 2.55-4.15 and shape indices ranged from 0.69-0.94. Moreover, sub skin color, upper skin color, seed hardness, fruit taste, seed color, upper fruit compartment, sub fruit compartment, compartment number, compartment appearance, easiness in separating arils and Fruit pulp weights of the genotypes and cultivars were also determined.
Iktisadi Kalkinma ve Sosyal Arastirmalar Dernegi
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