Abstract Introduction. The study considers the issue of technical and economic analysis of alternative design options of non-rigid pavement. This issue is especially relevant during the repairing and reconstruction of roads, when it is need to consider the reuse of road construction materials, the use of geosynthetic materials, and so on. Problem statement. Experience shows that most designers perform technical and economic analysis by one indicator only- the estimated cost, which is due to the lack of methodology for technical and economic analysis of such technical solutions. In many countries, the concept of TBL (Triple bottom line) has been implemented in recent decades, when solutions are analyzed in three independent areas, in construction this approach is often formulated as “Three E” concept (economics, energy and environment). Purpose. To develop a method of multifactor technical and economic analysis of alternative design options of non-rigid pavement. Methods of study. According to the results of exploratory researches, it is proposed to apply the method of analysis of hierarchies. Results. According to the problem ststement, a hierarchical system for determination of the optimal design option of non-rigid pavement is developed. According to the developed hierarchical system, the vectors of priorities of independent factors of analysis are determined, which allow to evaluate objectively the designed alternative options. The searching for the best option is performing by independent factors based on the analysis of economic, energy and environmental indicators. Conclusions Performed modeling using the method of hierarchy analysis allows to make a multifactor analysis of alternative options of non-rigid pavement with the definition of the optimal design. Keywords : multifactor analysis, ecology, energy saving, hierarchy analysis method, non-rigid pavement, reuse.
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise
Religious studies,Cultural Studies
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