Kristiani Rina Budi,Ningrum Sindi Surya
Hypertension is a major modifiable risk factor to prevent cardiovascular disease and death, especially in the elderly. The increase in blood pressure in the elderly is affected by the loss of elastic tissue in the arteries and a concomitant increase in arterial stiffness. Management of hypertension is making lifestyle changes by limiting alcohol and sodium consumption, quitting smoking, increasing physical activity and adjusting diet. The therapy that will be used is ginger drink therapy. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of ginger drink therapy on blood pressure of hypertensive patients at the posyandu for elderly Suraya Kencana. The design of this research is Quasy Experimental using the Nonequivalent Control Group Design model. The sample of this study was 30 elderly people with hypertension without a history of hyperkalemia, kidney disease and gastritis. Determination of the sample using simple random sampling. Data analysis used the Mann-Whitney U test. Most of the respondents aged 60-65 years, women, had a history of cholesterol disease. The results of blood pressure in the intervention group before giving ginger drink in Grade 1 hypertension were 66.6% and after doing the Pre Hypertension category therapy amounted to 46.6%. The results of statistical tests showed the p value = 0.000 (<0.05) and the Z value count -3,758. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the effect of giving ginger drink to the blood pressure of hypertensive patients at the Posyandu for the Elderly Surya Kencana Bulak Jaya Surabaya.
Keywords: Ginger Drink, Blood Pressure, Elderly, Hypertension
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