1. Dep. of Plant BiologyCollege of Agriculture, Univ. de la RepúblicaGarzón 809MontevideoUruguay
2. Biotechnology UnitExperimental Station Wilson Ferreira Aldunate, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA, National Institute of Agriculture Research)Ruta 48, Km 10, Rincón del ColoradoCanelones90200Uruguay
3. Dep. of AgronomyUniv. of Wisconsin‐Madison1575 Linden Dr.MadisonWI53706
4. Dep. of StatisticsCollege of Agriculture, Univ. de la RepúblicaGarzón 780MontevideoUruguay
5. Dep. of Plant Breeding and GeneticsCornell Univ.IthacaNY14850
6. National Rice Research Program, Experimental Station INIA Treinta y TresINIA, Ruta 8, Km 281Treinta y Tres33000Uruguay
7. Information Technology Unit, INIAAndes 1365 Piso 12MontevideoUruguay
8. Mathematics Area, College of Natural and Exact Sciences, Univ. Nacional de CuyoPadre Contreras 1300MendozaArgentina