Digital Signs Security System using AES-Blowfish-RSA Hybrid Cryptography Approach


HS Christnatalis,Husein Amir Mahmud


Increasing application of digital signatures in legitimate authentication of administrative documents in both public and private environments is one of the points of concern, especially the issue of security and integrity of ownership of signatures. Digital signature is a mathematical scheme, which a unit to identify and prove the authenticity of the owner of the message or document. The study aims to analyze security patterns and identification of digital signatures on documents using the RSA-AES-Blowfish hybrid cryptographic method approach for securing digital signatures, while the Kohonen SOM method is applied to identify ownership recognition of signature images. The analysis framework used in this study is each signature will be stored in the form of a digital image file that has been encrypted using hybrid method of AES-Blowfish with the SHA 256 hash function. Process of forming private keys and public keys in the signature image using the RSA algorithm. Authentic verification of the use of digital signatures on the document has 2 (two) stages, the first stage is signature will be valid used on the document if the result of hashing the selected signature image is the same based on the private key and public key entered by the user, while the second stage identification is done using the Kohonen SOM method to validate the similarity of the chosen signature with the ownership of the signature.


Politeknik Ganesha

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