Specialized knowledge of in-service primary education teachers to teach probability: Implications for continuous education


Franco Seguí Joan1ORCID,Alsina Ángel1ORCID


1. Department of Subject-Specific Didactics, University of Girona, Girona, SPAIN


The knowledge of in-service primary education teachers to teach probability is evaluated based on the mathematics teacher’s specialized knowledge (MTSK) model. Starting with a mixed methodology, the MTSK-probability questionnaire, validated beforehand, is used. Findings show insufficient specialized knowledge to teach probability: generally, the mean scores are 12.95 out of 38; more specific, the data indicate that scores in the sub-domains knowledge of topics, knowledge of practices in mathematics, and knowledge of mathematics teaching are significantly better than knowledge of the structure of mathematics, knowledge of features of learning mathematics, and the knowledge of mathematics learning standards, although the average norm scores in all knowledge subtypes are below 45 out of 100. We conclude that it is necessary to design continuous education programs that use different instruments and strategies to provide a more global approach to teacher’s knowledge, for example, with reflection on practice or learning communities, with the aim of improving the specialized knowledge of in-service primary education teachers to teach probability.


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