Beyond Traditional Methods: Utilizing a Hybrid SIRe Model for Optimal Counselling Skill Development in Practicum Courses


,Nasir Mohd Azrin Mohd,Ismail Suzila, ,Ali Nor A’tikah Mat, ,Faudzi Farah Nadia Mohd,


This study aims to introduce a new Hybrid SIRe (simulation and reflection) Model for instructors to improve counselling skills of counselling students in the practicum course. The Hybrid SIRe Model of teaching is used by instructors, which is a combined approach involving simulation techniques (demonstration and role-play) and reflection techniques. Counselling instructors can utilise this model to establish competency and build self-confidence while conducting counselling sessions with the students.A total of seven counselling students (three males and four females) were selected from the practicum course to test the model. A mixed-method approach was used in this study. The Counselling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE) by Larson (1992) was employed to measure a mastery level of counselling skills among counselling students. Data were gathered from the counselling instructor’s field notes and counselling students’ reflections. Then, the obtained data were analysed using thematic analysis to explore the experiences of a new teaching method by the counselling instructor. The results showed a significant difference between the initial and final assessment of the COSE by comparing means . In conclusion, the Hybrid SIRe Model of teaching has an excellent benefit for counselling instructors to ensure that the practicum students can master counselling skills, which in turn develop their competence levels, help grow their professional identity and promote a better service in the future.


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