Rustan Edhy, ,Rachmat Syela,
This research aimed to determine the outcomes of concept analysis and to create and assess the viability of game applications for enhancing reading skills. This is R&D (Research and Development) utilizing the MLDC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) model. This study was conducted in several elementary schools in Palopo City. The data for the needs analysis was collected from 10 students and two teachers in fourth grade. The number of participants in the effectiveness test phase was 268 students. Observation sheets, documentation, interview guidelines, product validation questionnaires, practicality, and product efficacy were among the data collection instruments. The method of analysis employed is the mixed sequential exploratory technique. The results of the concept analysis determine the type of game application to be developed using contextual media based on local culture and android-based interactivity that promotes independent reading achievement indicator learning. The development of a video game included character introduction features, learning features based on curriculum-based reading, and playing features based on adopting ethnic characters, skin color, clothing, and local genre instrumental music. Through Blackbox testing, the product's feasibility is determined. Practicality test results obtained on average are convenient. The effectiveness test results showed an increase in reading ability by using the developed game product. Keywords: educational game, media development, reading skills, cultural context, elementary school