ST2 in heart failure with reduced and mid-range ejection fraction: clinical and instrumental relationships and prognostic value


Kompanets Natalya V.ORCID,Aidumova Olesya Yu.ORCID,Shchukin Yurii V.ORCID


Objectives to determine the clinical and instrumental relationships and prognostic value of sST2 in chronic heart failure with reduced and mid-range ejection fraction of ischemic etiology. Material and methods. The study included examination of 64 patients with heart failure with left ventricular ejection fraction 50% and myocardial infarction in medical history; mean age 55.7 8.7 years. Results. Higher concentrations sST2 was determined with an increased end-diastolic volume, left ventricular aneurysm, left main coronary artery stenosis, glomerular filtration rate 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 (p 0.05 for all ). The study confirmed a high predictive significance of increased levels sST2 (p = 0.001); the area under the curve was 0.772; the odds ratio for an adverse outcome with sST2 35 ng/ml was 3.93. Conclusion. sST2 is a predictor of adverse outcome during the first year of follow-up in patients with heart failure with reduced and mid-range ejection fraction of ischemic etiology.


FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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