Five-year experience in surgical treatment of temporal bone paragangliomas


Diab Khassan Mokhamad AliORCID,Daikhes Nikolai A.ORCID,Umarov Parviz U.ORCID,Pashchinina Olga A.ORCID,Zagorskaya Dariya A.ORCID


Objectives to discuss a five-year experience in surgical treatment of temporal bone paragangliomas from the point of view of U. Fisch and D. Mattox classification modified by М. Sanna in 2013. Material and methods. In the period from February 2015 till December 2020, we performed 130 operations to remove temporal bone paraganglioma. The examined and operated patients included 34 men and 96 women aged from 2 to 82 years. The paraganglioma types A, B and C were distributed as follows: type A in 22 patients (A1 12 cases, A2 10 cases); type B in 73 patients (B1 25 cases, B2 16 cases, B3 32 cases); type C in 35 patients (С1 10 cases, С2 12 cases, С3 7 cases, С4 5 cases) Results. The evaluated results included the quality of tumor removal, the auditory function and the function of the facial nerve in relation to the size of the neoplasm, registered during the early and late postoperative periods. Based on the study data, we developed an algorithm of tactics of surgical treatment of patients with this type of temporal bone pathology aimed to avoid damage to the vital structures of the lateral skull base.


FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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