Results of cytological examination of bone marrow aspirates in patients with HIV infection and cytopenia in correlation with viral load


Kalashnikova Darya V.ORCID,Mordyk Anna V.ORCID,Puzyreva Larisa V.ORCID


Aim determination of specific changes in the bone marrow in patients with HIV infection and cytopenia, depending on the viral load. Material and methods. We analysed myelograms of patients with HIV infection and cytopenia. All patients had bicytopenia or pancytopenia in the hemogram. Results. In patients with a viral load over 100 001 copies/ml, the hypocellularity of each of the hematopoietic cell line was significantly more often observed, hypercellularity was recorded only in the myelograms of patients with a viral load of less than 100 001 copies/ml. When assessing the signs of myelodysplasia in the bone marrow, changes in the megakaryocyte lineage (the formation of naked cells, dysmegakaryocytopoiesis) were typical for patients with a viral load of less than 10 000 copies/ml. Signs of dysplasia of the granulocytic lineage are more often determined in patients with a viral load of more than 100 001 copies/ml.


FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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