Kryukov Andrey I.,Veltischev Dmitriy Yu.,Zeltyn Artur E.,Seravina Olga F.,Romanenko Svetlana G.,Teplykh Elena A.
Objectives - to determine the variants of psychiatric disorders in patients with laryngeal granuloma using the affectivity-stress model, based on the complex psychopathological and clinical-psychological diagnostics of anxiety-depression disorders (ADD). Material and methods. We examined 80 patients, aged from 33 to 65 years. Postintubation granuloma was diagnosed in 7 patients. GERD was diagnosed in 56 patients. 49 patients had a relapse granulomas after surgery. Results and Conclusion. The correlation of laryngeal granuloma with the disorders of the anxiety-depression spectrum (ADD) was established. In most patients, the development of granuloma occurred with underlying psychiatric disorder. The role of anxiety in the structure of ADDs and the significance of their diagnosis for the choice of therapeutic tactics is proved. It is necessary to examine the patients with laryngeal granuloma for the presence of ADDs, and to consult a psychiatrist to determine an individual therapeutic tactics.
FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation