A cytologic analysis of nasal mucosa in rhinological patients in the postoperative period


Berest Irina E.1ORCID


1. Saint Luke Lugansk State Medical University


Aim – to diagnose the state of nasal mucosa regeneration in rhinological patients in the postoperative period. Material and methods. The study included examination of 206 patients after septoplasty with vasotomy of the inferior turbinates for a deviated nasal septum and vasomotor rhinitis. The patients were divided into 5 groups depending on the prescribed local regeneration-correcting treatment. All patients underwent cytological examination to assess destructive changes in the epithelium according to the method of L.A. Matveeva. The patients were monitored before surgery, on the 5th, 10th, 21st, 30th, 42nd and 60th days of the postoperative period. Results. On the 5-10th day of the postoperative period, the destructive processes predominated in the rhinocytograms, and cell destruction indices were increased. Starting from the 21st day, the signs of proliferation were recorded, and the inflammatory reaction was decreasing. In the groups whose treatment regimens included reparants, the rhinocytograms showed a more rapid decrease in cell destruction indices and a full restoration of cellular representation. A more pronounced reparative effect was detected in a solution of sodium deoxyribonuclease and dexpanthenol. Conclusion. In 2 months of the postoperative period, the rhinological patients represented the signs of impaired reparative regeneration. The local treatment for restoring the nasal mucosa in the postoperative period stimulated cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, earlier and more complete regenerative effects.


FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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