1. Samara State Medical University
2. Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky
Aim – to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the radiowave and traditional surgical treatment for the eyelid benign neoplasms.
Material and methods. The study involved 87 patients with various benign eyelids pathologies: chalazion, xanthelasma, keratopapillomas, hemangioma, atheroma keratosis pilaris. The patients were operated using either radiowave or traditional method. The diagnoses were confirmed by clinical, cytological and histological examination. In both groups of patients, we evaluated the treatment clinical effect, the wound surface healing time, and the cosmetic results for traditional surgery and radio wave treatment.
Results. The radiowave surgery, in contrast to the classical surgical method, demonstrated low traumatism, high cosmetic results, the healing occurred by primary intention in 100% of cases, no recurrence of the pathology was observed in all the cases.
Conclusion. The use of the radio wave surgical method demonstrated high efficiency, safety and a good cosmetic effect for treatment of benign eyelid neoplasms.
FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
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