1. Privolzhsky District Medical Center FMBA
2. City Clinical Hospital No. 39
3. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
4. Far Eastern District Medical Center
The Kimmerle anomaly is one of the varieties of craniovertebral junction anomalies. Currently, it is one of the main causes of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, vertebral pain and vegetative syndromes. Despite a sufficient number of publications on this problem, the Kimmerle anomaly still remains not fully understood. Insufficient awareness of primary care physicians about this pathology, a wide variety of clinical manifestations, the absence of pathognomonic neurological syndromes, the complexity of the analysis of imaging data cause difficulties in identifying this anomaly. The article describes the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical picture of Kimmerle anomaly. Further, the paper presents modern methods of its diagnosis (spondylography, ultrasound, MRI, MSCT, etc.) and treatment. In conclusion, the authors present ways to optimize the diagnosis and treatment of Kimmerle anomaly.
FSBEI of Higher Education SamSMU of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
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