1. Baikal Institute of Nature Management of the Siberian Branch of RAS
2. Perm State National Research University
3. Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Distribution Of Icings In The Northern (Russian) Part Of The Selenga River Basin And Their Role In The Functioning Of Ecosystems And Impact On SettlementsIcing is an integral part of the landscape in areas with permafrost. It is formed in winter in river valleys, along stream beds, in places of groundwater discharge and, unlike other objects of the cryosphere, is characterized by active dynamics. The main objective of this study is to identify the role and significance of icings in the functioning of natural systems of Russian part of the Selenga River basin, as well as their impact on settlements.The first map of icings distribution was created based on Landsat imagery. In total, more than 15,500 icings were found. The highest concentration of icings is observed for forest landscapes. Icings in the forest-steppe belt are distinguished by their morphometric characteristics. They are often formed in giant areas of more than 1 km2. Steppe icings account for about 8 % of all objects of the study area. Icings play an important role in the functioning of forest and, in particular, foreststeppe ecosystems, as they largely determine the redistribution of water flow in small watersheds.During the period of increasing total water content, icings become a factor contributing to emergency situations. The potential risk of inundation has been established for 65 settlements in the Russian part of the Selenga River basin.
Russian Geographical Society
Environmental Science (miscellaneous),Geography, Planning and Development
Reference36 articles.
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