Inventory Of Landslides Triggered By Hurricane Matthews In Guantánamo, Cuba


Pospehov G. B.1,Savón Y.1,Delgado R.2,Castellanos E. A.3,Peña A.4


1. Saint Petersburg Mining University

2. Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

3. Ministry of Energy and Mines

4. Institute of Meteorology. Meteorological Center of Guantánamo


Hurricane Matthew affected the eastern region of Cuba from October 4th to 5th causing large damages and numerous landslides. This research presents an inventory of landslides triggered by the hurricane. Visual interpretation of satellite images of moderate resolution from Sentinel 2A instrument and localized higher resolution satellite images provided by PlanetScope, as well as field research were the main sources of information. The resulting landslide inventory was compared with other landslide factors such as slope, geology, and soil deep and composition from maps at a scale of 1:100 000. Data recorded by 1-hour rain gauges and 24-hour rain gauge was also analyzed in order to identify rainfall thresholds for the occurrence of landslides during the Hurricane Matthew influence in the study region. A total of 619 landslides were identified and classified as rockslide, rockfall or debris flows. The research found the slope was not as important factor as the type of rock. Most of landslides were located in areas of green shale of volcanic and vulcanoclastic rocks and rocks of the ophiolitic complex formed by ancient remnants of oceanic crust. The accumulate rainfall threshold estimated for the event was between 178-407 mm/day.


Russian Geographical Society


Environmental Science (miscellaneous),Geography, Planning and Development

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