Landscape Cartography In The Maranhense Amazon: The Case Of The Lower Course Of The Pindaré River Basin


Medeiros R. B.1,Dos Santos L. C. A.1,Bezerra J. F. R.1,Marques A. R.1,Dos Santos G. I. F. A.1


1. Universidade Estadual do Maranhão


The landscape cartography assesses the functional, dynamic, structural and morphological aspects of landscapes, regardless of their taxonomic scale. It seeks to use these units to support environmental and territorial planning and management. Thus, the present study sought to apply this line of analysis to the Pindaré River Basin, precisely in its lower course, located in the Brazilian state of Maranhão. The objective was to identify, classify, map and analyze the landscapes of the lower course through the correlation of variables related to geology, relief, soils, land use and land cover providing data to support and promote preservationist and conservationist public policies and actions in the area. The methodology identified four levels of landscape analysis, from morphometric aspects, geoforms and upper units to reaching the final landscape map, using field output, digital elevation models and satellite images to validate information. The procedures allowed to identify the landscape heterogeneity in a unique environment of saturated and periodically flooded soils contrasting with extensive pastures and little native vegetation. As a result, seven first-level landscape units were identified, coming up to fifty-eight sub-units in the final map. The work aims to apply the methodology in an area of the Maranhão State where few studies on landscape cartography have occurred. The target is to comprehend possible relationships between the functional and structural potential of landscapes and their relationship with the current intensity of land use, contributing to physical- territorial planning permeating geoecological sustainability.


Russian Geographical Society

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