The article deals with the current topic of achieving technologi- cal sovereignty and technological independence of high-tech industries in the Russian Federation. It considers the notion and economic concept of the im- port substitution policy. Also following the study of scientific literature and foreign practice it identifies and characterizes, various types of import-sub- stituting strategies . The analysis of foreign practice in the field of import sub- stitution, resulted in identifying important tools in that area: stimulating and increasing investment, supporting especially important industries (providing independence in the technological sphere) through the use of a set of tax and other measures. It is shown that import-substituting strategies should be supplemented by a set of industrial and innovation policies, as well as a meso-level development strategy. The author considers various points of view on achieving import in- dependence in high-tech industries as well as the potential, main issues, tasks and directions for achieving technological sovereignty by the example of the electronic industry of the Russian Federation. The main principles of a new ap- proach to managing the development of high-tech industrial complexes in order to achieve technological sovereignty are identified: a systematic approach, pri- ority for the development of meso-level innovation ecosystems, consolidation of efforts in critical (priority) and promising areas for achieving technological so-vereignty, selected taking into account the principle of optimality, focus on in- novative activity and entrepreneurship, orienting perspective planning
Russian State University for the Humanities
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2 articles.