1. Department of Botany, Agra College Agra: 282002 (U.P.) India.
ABSTRACT: Carbaryl, which is also known as sevin, induced mitostatic and turbagenic leading to clastogenic effects in the root meristem cells of Pisum sativum. The study was conducted at Department of Botany, Agra College, Agra. Seeds of uniform size of Pisum sativum were germinated on moist filter paper in petriplates. 1to 2 mm root tips were cut and treated with different concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.3,0.5%) of carbaryl prepared in distilled water for varying duration (3 to 9 hrs.) of time. It has mitodepressive and mitostatic effects on somatic cell division. These effects are directly proportional to concentration and duration. Common clastogenic effects are stickiness, condensation, breakage and bridges etc. Present investigation clearly revealed that carbaryl showed clastogenic and mitostatic effects. So, it should be used with precautions as it can be hazardous to both targeted and non-targeted biota.
Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
Drug Discovery,Agronomy and Crop Science,Biotechnology