Effect of Prunus Dulcis & Álpha-Tocopherol in Ethanol Induced Dyslipidemia In Wistar Rats


Doss Samuel Sundar1,Vijayakumar J.2,Sukumar E.3,Rekha K.4


1. Department of Physiology, Saveetha medical college.

2. Department of Anatomy, Saveetha Medical College.

3. Department of Research, SIMATS.

4. Saveetha College of Physiotherapy.


The study is aimed at assessing the effect of Prunus dulcis and alpha-tocopherol treatment against ethanol induced dyslipidemia in Wistar rats. 30 albino Wistar rats were selected based on the selection criteria and equally distributed into 5 groups – Control, ethanol, Prunus dulcis, alpha-tocopherol and combination of alpha-tocopherol + Prunus dulcis treated for 40 days. After the treatment for 40 days, all the animals were euthanized and a retro-orbital puncture was made to collect the blood samples for biochemical investigations. Obtained results were statistically analysed using ANOVA. Compared to ethanol group alpha tocopherol, Prunus dulcis and alpha tocopherol + Prunus dulcis treatment significantly decreased total cholesterol and triglycerides levels with p value <0.001. High density lipoprotein (66.31%) levels in the ethanol group were decreased compared to the control group and were significantly increased in other groups. Low density lipoprotein and Very low density lipoprotein levels were higher in the ethanol group compared with the control group and were significantly reduced in other groups with p value <0.001. Results suggest that ethanol has an ill effect on the lipid profile. Treatment with Prunus dulcius and alpha-tocopherol both solely or in combination has produced beneficial effects against dyslipidemia.


Oriental Scientific Publishing Company










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