The Effect of Nasal Irrigation with Dewandaru (Eugenia Uniflora L) Leaves Ethanol Extract on Il-4 Levels, Thymic Stromal Lymphopoiethin (TSLP) Expression and Expression of H4 Mucosa Receptors of Wistar Rats with Allergic Rhinitis


Sutanegara Sari Wulan Dwi1ORCID


1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University/ Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar


Nasal irrigation with Dewandaru leaf extract can reduce inflammatory cell infiltration in the nasal mucosa of rats, and is effective in reducing RA symptoms and has an effect no different from topical corticosteroids. This study aims to prove whether nasal irrigation with ethanolic extract of Dewandaru leaves can reduce the infiltration of allergic inflammatory mediators in the nasal mucosa of male white rats of Wistar strain suffering from RA after ovalbumin nasal spray was induced, by assessing IL-4 levels, TSLP expression and H4 receptor expression. The study was conducted with a randomized post test only control group design, using an animal model of allergic rhinitis, involving 34 male white rats of the Wistar strain, divided into 2, namely: 17 treatment groups and 17 control groups. After 4 weeks of exposure, termination and sampling of rat nasal mucosa was performed. Statistical analysis using the independent sample T test showed that the levels of IL-4 in the nasal mucosa of rats and the expression of H4 receptors on the nasal mucosa of rats were significantly lower than in the control group (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the TSLP expression of the nasal mucosa of rats in the treatment group (2.0154) was not significantly different from the control group (2.1891) with p=0.478, possibly associated with less severe damage to the epithelial barrier cells of the nasal mucosa of TSLP-producing in the group control. The ethanolic extract of Dewandaru leaves has the ability to suppress IL-4 cytokine levels through inhibition of the activity of RH4, so it can be used as a supporting therapy for nasal irrigation that can suppress allergic inflammatory mediators in the nasal mucosa of rats.


Oriental Scientific Publishing Company



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