PM2.5 Concentrations in a Rapidly Developing Neighborhood in the City of Lomé, Togo


Hèzouwè Sonla1ORCID,Kokou Sabi1ORCID,Giordano Michael2ORCID,Raheja Garima3ORCID,Westervelt Daniel M.3ORCID


1. 1Laboratoire de Chimie Atmosphérique (LCA), Faculté Des Sciences (FDS), Université de Lomé (UL), Togo.

2. 2Univ Paris Est Creteil, CNRS UMS 3563, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés, Université de Paris, OSU-EFLUVE – Observatoire Sciences de L’Univers-Envelopes Fluides de La Ville à L’Exobiologie, F-94010 Créteil, France.

3. 3Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, New York, USA.


A rapid increase in the population of Togo, and in particular that of the capital city of Lomé, has led to an increase in urban sprawl, anthropogenic activities such as traffic and combustion, and air pollution. To measure and identify trends in concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the city of Lomé in Togo, a PurpleAir PA-II-SD monitor is placed in the rapidly expanding peripheral district of Agoè-Minamadou for three years. A correction factor, based on a colocation with a ThermoFischer TEOM reference monitor at the University of Lomé, is presented and applied to the PurpleAir data. We demonstrate improvement in PM2.5 estimates using this locally-built correction factor over a previous correction factor based on a colocation in nearby Accra, Ghana. Daily mean corrected PM2.5 concentrations were 21.5 µg m-3. Concentrations exceeded the WHO daily recommended thresholds (15 µg/m3) on 68.2% of days measured during the study. Over three years of measurement, air quality in Lomé shows very little improvement.


Oriental Scientific Publishing Company







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