Risk Factors Analysis for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Medan, Indonesia


Hariati Hariati,Suza Dewi Elizadiani,Tarigan Rosina


BACKGROUND: Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) are one of the most common infections in health care caused by several risk factors. AIM: This study aims at analysing the risky factors triggering CAUTI. METHODS: This research was designed by applying prospective study. It was conducted from July to November 2018 by involving 82 patients attached to the catheter and treated in the General Hospital of Medan as the sample. The study instrument used observational sheets by measuring the occurrence of urinary tract infection using urine culture analysis ≥ 105 CFU/ml. RESULTS: The results showed that there was a relationship (p < 0.05) amongs age (p = 0.01; RR = 0.51), diabetes mellitus (p = 0.00; RR = 7.61), duration of catheterization (p = 0.00; RR = 0.01), indications for catheter use (p = 0.00; RR = 0.34) with CAUTI, and there were not significant relationship (p > 0.05) amongs genre (p = 0.06; RR = 1.72), drainage system (p = 0.43; RR = 0.43) and catheter care (p = 0.08; RR = 0.50) with CAUTI. Diabetes mellitus (p = 0.00; OR = 8.92 95% CI = 1.02-11.83) and duration of catheterization (p = 0, 00; OR = 32.84 95% CI = 3.81-322.74) were the most significant factor related to CAUTI. CONCLUSION: CAUTI is influenced by various factors, and it can be controlled by understanding those factors so that the right interventions to prevent the infections can be taken and the quality of nursing care can be increased as well.


Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI


General Medicine








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