Ash-Shidiqqi Ellectrananda Anugerah,Azhari Aidul Fitriciada,Wardiono Kelik
Severe damage and large losses will be the result of the earthquake. Thus, pre-disaster activities to reduce the impact of carried out by various parties such as the central and local governments, relevant agencies, and society are very important. Therefore, the central government will make a design “action against earthquakes” as a master plan for dealing with disasters earthquakes, including pre-disaster measures, emergency response, and post-disaster stages. To measure the impact of these disaster risk reduction efforts, the central government will set one goal that can be measured quantitatively for a certain period of time. Observations of the achievements of these efforts will be continued regularly basis. Moreover, participation and coordination with local government are very important to achieve this goal, so the local government concerned must take responsibility for developing regional plans that are in line with the coping strategy of national disaster. The methode use qualitative method. The conclusion for this research are regional government holding autonomy mandates can take a look at intensively the advantages of providing disaster insurance premium subsidies compared to having to perform post-disaster rehabilitation without the insurance industry’s contributions that if a disaster occurs, the government can share with insurance in dealing with diverse agreed matters. Regional Original (PAD) for Disaster Insurance Premiums for groups in disaster-prone regions to perform the mandate of local autonomy.
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI