Hulu Victor,Fransiska RNS,Sihotang Widya Yanti,Sinaga Suharni,Samosir Frans Judea,Ginting Astaria Br,Putri Riska Wani Eka,Sagala Lam Murni Br,Santri P Yuni Vivi,Fithri Nurhamida,Wahyuni Faradita,Manalu Putranto
BACKGROUNDS : The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global health emergency that requires a public health response to prevent the spread of the virus.
AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the prediction model for the incidence of COVID-19 based on community behavior.
METHODS: This study used a cross-sectional study design. The study population was all people aged >18 years in Medan City and obtained a sample of 395 people with stratified random sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire in google form, then, using Microsoft Office Excel, we transferred the data from the survey to a computer program. Furthermore, the data was analyzed using the neural networks method. Then the features importance will be calculated using the Random Forest with Mean Decrease Impurity (RF-MDI) method.
RESULT: The results showed that based on the confusion matrix, the prediction value for those who did not suffer from COVID-19 was correct from negative data = 8, the correct prediction value for COVID-19 from positive data = 8. While the incorrect prediction value for machines that predicted negative results but the actual data was positive = 2, and predicts a positive result but the actual data is negative = 4. Thus, based on the neural net classification method, the accuracy value is 72%. The results of this study indicate that poor preventive behavior by the community greatly affects the spread of COVID-19 cases.
CONCLUSION: Poor community behavior, such as not limiting their interaction/contact with other people, not exercising frequently, leaving the house without keeping a safe distance, and not washing hands regularly, can all impact COVID-19 transmission in the community
Keywords: Behavior Prediction Model, COVID-19 Incidence, Neural Network
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI
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