Optimization of the Adaptation Process during Physical Education Classes When Implementing an Individual Approach Based on the Autonomic Regulation Types of the Functions of the Cardiovascular System


Gorelik Viktor,Filippova Svetlana,Podlubnaya Alena,Vlasov V. N.,Populo Gelshigan,Nazarenko Natalia


Background: The relevance of the study is determined by the negative dynamics of the health of children groups in the Russian Federation, which necessitates the search for effective methods of health-improving and corrective effects in physical education classes in schools. The physiological substantiation of the individualization of the selection of physical activities is based on the differences in the functional state of schoolchildren with different autonomic regulation types of the cardiovascular system.  Methods: the method of "Rapid assessment of schoolchildren’s physical health" based on an automated computer program, which allows determining the state of the functional systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems) of the children’s organisms by 20 indicators. A method for diagnosing heart rate variability indicators, implemented using the Varikard 2.51 software and hardware complex, allows obtaining and analyzing more than 40 indicators of segmental and suprasegmental levels of regulation of the cardiovascular system and parameters of its functional activity. The complex application of these methods provides a comprehensive physiological picture of the adaptation, health, and functional state of school students when performing various physical activities in the educational process.   Results: At the beginning of the survey, the indicators of functional systems and heart rate variability in the selected groups of children: the experimental group and the control group were determined by the features of 4 autonomic regulation types: I, II, III, and IV. Of these, I, II corresponded to the predominance of sympathetic tonic destabilizing effects on the cardiovascular system, while in IV, parasympathetic effects on the cardiovascular system prevailed, manifested in the asthenization of the functional state of children. Type III refers to the physiological norm and manifested itself in the form of a balance of regulatory influences of the parts of the autonomic nervous system. At the physical education classes of experimental group schoolchildren, the training program included specially selected sets of exercises for children with autonomic regulation types I, II, III, and IV.   Conclusion: During the control examination, the indicators of adaptation and health of all types of schoolchildren improved, while no positive dynamics of physical strength, adaptation, and health indicators were observed in the control group. This indicates the effectiveness of individually typologically oriented physical education classes as having a health-improving effect on school students. 


Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI


General Medicine

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