Faida Eka Wilda,Supriyanto Stefanus,Haksama Setya,Markam Hosizah,Ali Amir
BACKGROUND: The Indonesian Ministry of Health requires hospitals to record and report all activities in the Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS). However, the disruptive use of software, hardware, and Brainware has reduced its effective management and usability, which has become a separate workload. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is one of the important implementations of SIMRS because it relates to the ability to identify information, results, history taking, examinations, and records of all patients. Furthermore, it has become a current global trend for most hospitals and has also been used as a substitute for paper medical records.
AIM: This study aims to collect and identify the user characteristic, technology used, and other variables influencing the acceptance and use of information and technology systems based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model.
METHOD: Secondary data were obtained from scientifically published journals online in the form of original articles that are accessed in full text with the help of search engines such as Springer link, Proquest, PubMed, and Prospero.
RESULT: It was found that the most dominant technology system in hospitals outside the use of HIS, Electronic Health Record (EHR), physician assistants, E-Prescribing, Telemedicine, extended producer responsibility, and Technology solution for tuberculosis was EMR. It had the largest influence variable in several studies based on the UTAUT model. The most dominant characteristics of users were women between the ages of 20 and 30 years with 0 and 5 years working experience, and also 60% were nurses. The result also showed that 17 other variables had influenced the use of information and technology systems in the UTAUT model.
Conclusion: Literature study provides evidence that acceptance and use of health information technology systems, especially RME in hospitals influenced by the main variable UTAUT. Variables related to technical aspects, behavior, and user characteristics as new endogenous and new exogenous mechanisms. Management of health service providers in increasing acceptance and use of EMR needs to pay attention to the availability of infrastructure, user factors are also an important concern in helping to deal with problems in developing countries.
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI
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