AIM: This study aims to examine the effect of smartphone use on health and socio-economics aspects of students in the city of Padang.
METHODS: The population was 11,429 senior high school students in Padang. Samples were taken by accidental sampling as many as 210 students (35 students in each senior high school). The analysis used in this research used correlation analysis between behavioral related to using smartphones and gadgets and health and socio-economic variables.
RESULTS: The results showed that the effect of using smartphones/gadgets on vision and hearing health was influenced by the duration of use of more than 4 h 17 min with a continuous use of not more than 2 h. The use of smartphones/gadgets that exceeded these rules caused visual impairment, hearing loss, and weakens students’ social relationships.
CONCLUSION: Healthy and ergonomic behaviors in using smartphones/gadgets for senior high school students in Padang City were in the duration of use not more than 4 h 17 min, with a continuous use of <2 h. The negative effects of using smartphones/gadgets on high school students exceeding the healthy and ergonomic behaviors time limit were hearing loss and visual impairment.
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI
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