Stigma and Self-concept of Leprosy Patients


Lufianti AnitaORCID,Mahanani SrinalestiORCID,Idris Desi Natalia TrijayantiORCID


BACKGROUND: Internalized stigma of leprosy patients suffered because of physical changes or disability suffered. Stigma is the individual’s perception of a feeling of a negative attitude and a sense of inferiority felt by the individual who can affect the overall situation. AIM: The purpose of this study was to describe the stigma of leprosy patients at outpatient installation in public hospital of Daha Husada, Kediri. METHODS: The study design used was descriptive. The study population was patients with leprosy at outpatient installation in public hospital of Daha Husada, Kediri, with subject, 50 respondents were selected using purposive sampling technique. The independent variable used in this research was stigma. The instrument used was internalized stigma of mental illness scale. Data analysis using frequency distribution. RESULTS: The research result showed that leprosy patients who experienced medium stigma was 36 respondents (72.0%), and those who experienced moderate stigma were 11 respondents (22,0%). Based on data analysis, the results of the study indicated that stigma had an effect on self-concept (p = 0.016). CONCLUSION: The conclusion of this study showed that patients with leprosy got medium stigma primarily on indicators of alienation, stereotypes support, and stigma resistant to the level of disability 2.


Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI


General Medicine

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