Saleh Muhammad,Wahid Isra,Daud Anwar,Mallongi Anwar,Russeng Syamsiar S.
The research on ovitrap using attractants have been extensively developed, but studies on the use of similar substrates in the form of colonized water and Aedes larvae extract as attractants have not been widely published. Adding an attractant to the ovitrap can stimulate the sense of smell for mosquitoes to come to the place to lay their eggs. The use of ovitrap has recently begun to be developed because it is environmentally friendly. The purpose of this study is to determine the attractants potential of colonized water and larvae extract as the oviposition preferences for of Aedes Sp. to lay eggs in the ovitrap. The type of this research is a true experimental design, the design of The Posttest-Only Control Group Design. Observations are made in the laboratory for nine repetitions. Observational data show that the average number of eggs in ovitraps that uses the colonized water and larvae extract is higher than that of conventional/control water. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test indicate that there is a significant difference in the average number of eggs in the colonized water attractant, larval extract and conventional water (Asymp. Sig < 0.05). The conclusion is obtained that similar substrate attractants in the form of larvae extract and Aedes colonization water have the potential to be Aedes sp oviposition preferences compared to conventional water. However, it is still necessary to conduct a field study so that it can be used as an environmentally friendly method of the surveillance and control of the vector transmitting Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI