Sistiarani Colti,Kurniawan Arif,Gamelia Elviera
BACKGROUND: The number of pregnant women in the district of Banyumas reached 30,939 in 2012, the number of mothers who detected a high risk reached 20.05%. High-risk pregnant women tend to be more likely to have obstetric complications. The incidence of preeclampsia (8.13%) and hemorrhage (7.27%) is an obstetric complication. Obstetric complication leads to maternal deaths in the district of Banyumas.
AIM: This study aims to determine the influence of maternal factors to prevent obstetric complications.
METHODS: This study aims to determine the influence of maternal factors to prevent obstetric complications. This type of research is descriptive analytic. This research is using cross-sectional approach. Population this study are pregnant women who are in the subdistricts of Banyumas and Pekuncen. Samples taken as many as 188 pregnant women in both regions.
RESULTS: The result showed that as many as 27.1% of women have a risk pregnancy, as many as 36.7% of women had low knowledge about high-risk pregnancy, as many as 47.9% of women have an lack attitude high-risk pregnancy, as many as 41.5% of mothers have poor affordability in antenatal care, and as many as 36.7% of mothers have less family support on high-risk pregnancy. There are influence knowledge, attitudes high-risk pregnancy, and antenatal care affordability toward the prevention of obstetric complication.
CONCLUSIONS: Factor most influential in the prevention of obstetric complication is affordability antenatal care.
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI
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