1. Fraley, L. E., & Ledoux, S. F. (1997). Origins, status, and mission of behaviorology. In S. F. Ledoux, Origins and components of behaviorology (pp. 33–169). Canton, NY: ABCs
2. Keller, F. S., & Shoenfeld, W. N. (1995). Principles of Psychology. Acton, MA: Copley. (Original work published 1950)
3. Leahey, T. H. (1997). A history of psychology: Main Currents in psychological thought. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
4. Michael, I. L. (1993). Concepts and principles of behavior analysis. Kalamazoo: Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis.
5. Skinner, B. F. (1979). The shaping of a behaviorist. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.