1. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
2. Northern State Medical University
In order to identify the comparative regional features of the syndrome of professional burnout in anesthesiologists, 50 doctors of the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk Region were examined. Used methods of research: survey, questionnaire «Attitude to work and professional burn-out» V.Vinokur, the scale of organizational stress, Mak-Lin, the Freiburg personality inventory, spielberger test H in the modification Y.Hanin, coping test of R.Lazarus and S.Volkmann, methods of evaluation of psychological atmosphere in the team A.Fiedler. It was found that 63.6% of anesthesiologists-resuscitators of the Komi Republic and 53.9% of doctors of the Arkhangelsk Region showed signs of professional burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion and stress in the work, deterioration of health and social adaptation. Anesthesiologists-resuscitators of both groups are characterized by type A behavior, which is manifested by high subjective value of professional activity, high readiness for energy costs, low resistance to frustration and stress. Recommendations for the prevention of professional burnout in anesthesiologists-resuscitators are proposed, depending on factors contributing to the development of burnout syndrome.
V.M. Bekhterev National Research Medical Center for Psychiatry and Neurology
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