The low expression of matrix metalloproteinases: a key to longevity?


Sak Katrin1ORCID


1. NGO Praeventio, 50407 Tartu, Estonia


Over the past few decades, it has become clear that an excessive activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) can accelerate the progression and fatal outcomes of several serious age-related diseases, including atherosclerotic coronary heart disorders and various types of malignancies. These proteolytic enzymes mediate the degradation and remodeling of the extracellular matrix through cleaving its various components, thereby affecting many critical functions of surrounding cells and intercellular communication. Consequently, the low expression levels of MMPs can be important in the prevention and treatment of such chronic life-threatening pathologies, contributing to the better quality of life and longer life expectancy. In this review article, the pathogenic proteolytic roles of MMPs are examined in more detail, especially in the cases of heart attack and stroke as well as cancer invasion and metastasis, showing that these enzymes can be considered not only as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers but also as important therapeutic targets in the fight against many age- and lifestyle-related serious disorders. The identification and development of suppressing agents with a selective activity towards specific MMPs have, however, still remained a complex and complicated challenge, in which natural plant-derived compounds are increasingly recognized as promising leads for the new-generation inhibitors.


Open Exploration Publishing







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