Effects of cold exposure on feed protein degradation, microbial protein synthesis and transfer of plasma urea to the rumen of sheep


Kennedy P. M.,Christopherson R. J.,Milligan L. P.


1. Three diets of barley–canula-seed (Brassica campestiris), lucerne (Medicago sativa) or chopped brome-grass (Bromus inermis) were given at intervals of 3 h to closely-shorn Suffolk wethers held at a temperature of 1–5° (cold) or 22–24° (warm). Apparent digestibility of organic matter (OM) and nitrogen was reduced by 0·08–0·05 and 0·04 units respectively for lucerne and brome-grass diets given to cold-exposed sheep, but no treatment effects on digestibility were observed for the barley–CSM diet. Measurements achieved using infusion of the digesta markers 58Co-EDTA and 103Ru-phenanthroline (103Ru-P) showed that cold exposure depressed apparent OM digestion in the stomach and intestines by 33 and 42 g/d for the lucerne diet, and 13 and 35 g/d for the brome-grass diet respectively.2. The turnover time (h) of the l03Ru-P marker in the rumen of warm sheep was 38·9 for barley–CSM, 18·4 for lucerne, and 15·6 for brome-grass. In cold-exposed sheep, 103Ru-P turnover time (h) tended to be reduced to 32·3, 12·3 and 15·3 for the three diets, respectively. OM fermentation in the stomach was highly related to 103Ru-P turnover time for lucerne and brome-grass diets.3. Cold exposure increased the escape of dietary N from the abomasum by 0·04 and 0·09 of dietary N intake for sheep given lucerne and brome-grass diets respectively. Dietary N degradation was closely related to 103Ru-P turnover time for lucerne, and to the proportion of large particles in rumen digesta for the brome-grass diet. Estimates of feed N degradation made by use of information on the rate of fermentation of the diet in nylon bags and 103Ru-P turnover time were consistently lower than those observed in vivo for barley–CSM and lucerne diets. Intestinal digestibility of non-ammonia N was not significantly changed by cold exposure.4. Transfer of urea from plasma to the rumen was 1·4–2·5 g N/d for the barley–CSM and lucerne diets, but the value for brome-grass was 4·5–4·9 g N/d. Cold exposure did not affect urea transfer. The production of ammonia from feed and endogenous protein was approximately 0·66 and 0·47 g N/g N intake of barley–CSM and lucerne diets, with no effect of cold exposure. Cold exposure reduced the value from 0·57 to 0·38 for brome-grass.5. The results are compared with those obtained previously with pelleted hay, and the importance of large particle breakdown in the prediction of OM and N fermentation using nylon bags is discussed.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Nutrition and Dietetics,Medicine (miscellaneous)








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