A survey of waterfowl for echinostomes and schistosomes from Lake Wanaka and the Waitaki River watershed, New Zealand


Davis N.E.


AbstractWaterfowl from Lake Wanaka and the Waitaki Lakes watershed of New Zealand's South Island were surveyed to find natural hosts with adult echinostomes and schistosomes to provide sufficient numbers of eggs for laboratory studies. The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) was found to host an echinostome determined to be a New Zealand strain of Echinostoma revolutum. The New Zealand scaup (Aythya novaeseelandia) concurrently hosts three species of echinostomes (E. revolutum, Echinoparyphium cinctum and E. recurvatum) plus two species of avian schistosomes (Trichobilharzia sp. and Dendritobilharzia pulverulenta). In the Canada goose and the New Zealand scaup, adult gravid echinostomes predominated over juveniles. In other waterfowl surveyed, very few echinostomes were found, with juveniles predominating.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Parasitology

Reference16 articles.

1. Schistosome Immunology: More Questions than Answers

2. Mitochondrial ND1 gene sequences used to identify echinostome isolates from Australia and New Zealand

3. Some helminth parasites of freshwater birds from the South Island, New Zealand, with particular reference to trematodes of ducks;Rind;Mauri ora,1974

4. Schistosome dermatitis in the Southern Lakes. An investigation of Swimmer's Itch;MacFarlane;New Zealand Medical Journal,1944

5. Migration and development of Trichobilharzia ocellata (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) in its duck hosts

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