AbstractThis chapter provides a global overview of poplar and willow culture, pointing out commonalities as well as differences. After a brief overview, the chapter is divided between Populus species and Salix species and follows the sequence of establishment, tending and production. The countries with the largest area of poplar plantations are China (7.6 million ha), France (236 000 ha), Turkey (125 000 ha), Hungary (109 000 ha), Spain (105 000 ha), Italy (101 000 ha), Sweden (49 000 ha) and Romania (48 000 ha). Seven other countries have significant areas of poplar plantations. The countries with the most planted willow are China (438 000 ha), Argentina (56 400 ha), Romania (19 500 ha), New Zealand (20 000 ha) and Sweden (11 000 ha). Russia and Estonia also have sizeable willow plantings. Other countries known to cultivate poplars and willows are listed, although data are unavailable.