1. Batakovic, R. and Matavujlj, M. (2022) Country Report Organic.Montenegro. EkoConnect e.V. Available at: http://www.ekoconnect.org/tl_files/eko/p/Projekte/MOE-Laenderberichte/Country-Report-Organic-MONTENEGRO-EkoConnect-2022.pdf.
2. Boskova V.S. (2022) Information of the Existing/Current Legislation in the Field of Organic Agriculture and Market Access in the Republic of North Macedonia. Available at: https://seerural.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/7.-SWG-Organic-Agriculture-North-Macedonia.pdf.
3. Cakraj, R. (2021) State of Art of the Organic Sector in Albania. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Available at: https://seerural.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.-Organic-production-in-Albania.pdf.
4. IADK (2021) Our Year in Highlights . Intiative for Agriculture Development of Kosovo (IADK) Vushtrri Northern Kosovo.
5. Isufi E. Dijkic M. Todorovic V. Voca H. Jovovic Z.et al. (2022) State of the Art of the Organic Agriculture in the Western Balkans 1st edn. Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in SEE (SWG) Blvd. Available at: https://seerural.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/State-of-art-of-the-organicagriculture-in-the-western-balkans.pdf.