Hemp and cannabis, both belonging to Cannabis sativa, have emerged as some of the most valuable crops because of their multiple functionalities - industrial, medicinal and recreational uses. Like all other crops, diseases and pests attack these crops at the high expense of hemp growers and cannabis cultivators. This book is written for anyone who is interested in learning about Cannabis crop diseases and serves as a field and laboratory guide to diagnosing diseases and pest problems. The content is arranged from general sections to specific disease sections. The general sections cover the disease concepts related to Cannabis plants, the art of plant diagnostics, setting up a diagnostic lab, and commonly used diagnostic protocols and procedures. The specific sections describe the diseases and pests that have been found from Cannabis crops and how to diagnose each of them. All sections are written in detail, accompanied by pictures and illustrations. Although this book is mainly on Cannabis crop diseases, readers can use the concepts, principles, strategies and methods described in this book to diagnose diseases of other crops.