1. A New Approach (2019) Transformative: Impacts of Culture and Creativity . Available at: https://www.humanities.org.au/new-approach/report2/ (accessed 17 February 2022).
2. All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts Health and Wellbeing (2017) Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing . Short Report. Available at: https://www.artsandhealth.org.au/app/uploads/2017/10/ACAH-2017-UK-Creative_Health_The_Short_Report_July2017.pdf (accessed 17 February 2022).
3. American Art Therapy Association (2013) What is Art Therapy? Available at: http://www.arttherapy.org/upload/whatisarttherapy.pdf (accessed 17 February 2022).
4. Translating Knowledge
5. Using the arts for awareness, communication and knowledge translation in older adulthood: a scoping review;Archibald M.;Arts & Health,2019