AbstractThe effect of a single intraperitoneal injection of phomopsin A on the bodyweight and liver weight of rats was studied. Fifty-two adult female ratswere divided into two groups; one having 28 individuals while the other 24. The intoxicated rats (n=28) were given 5 mg phomopsin A per kg body weight in a volume of ∼2.5 ml, whereas the control (n=24) was given 2.5 ml normal saline. The mean body weight of intoxicated rats were significantly less than those of the control, from day 2 through day 21 (P<0.005 to 0.001). In the intoxicated rats, mean liver weights were unchanged on days 2 to 5, but on day 6 to 10 they decreased markedly (P<0.05); on day 21 however, liver weights were not significantly different. The pattern of changes in the mean liver weight:body weight ratio was similar, with the mean ratios on day 6, 10 and 21 being significantly less than on day 2 (P<0.05). Intoxicated rats showed swollen livers, having a creamy pink to brown colour up to day 5. From day 6 to 10, they were reduced in size and were yellow to brown in colour. On day 21, the livers were of normal colour and size, but they were usually misshapen. Through day 7, there was extensive vacuolation of predominantly periacinar and mid-zonal hepatocytes. This was reduced by day 10, and was only present in scattered hepatocytes by day 21.