This is the second of three volumes of Keys to the Trematoda, a series on the systematics and identification of the Class Trematoda Rudolphi, 1808 of the Phylum Platyhelminthes. It presents the taxa in the Order Echinostomida and some of those in the Order Plagiorchiida. This volume includes 7 echinostomid superfamilies (the echinostomatoids, haploporoids, haplosplanchnoids, heronimoids, microscaphidioids, paramphistomatoids and pronocephaloids) and two plagiorchiid superfamilies (the allocreadioids and lepocreadioids). Each chapter has an introduction outlining the history of the group and recent or current changes within it, followed by keys and diagnoses for suprageneric groups and genera; characters common to the members of the family group tend not to be repeated at lower levels in the classification. At least one figure for a representative of each genus considered valid is included. This volume has an index to taxa and a volume bibliography for text references. This book will appeal to parasitologists involved in identification and/or research in medical and veterinary helminthology.